Sunday, December 27, 2009


Yay Christmas! I couldn't figure out how to organize the pictures correctly but you'll be able to see our beautiful red and silver tree, me looking through my new lotions, Kyle opening socks and our Pringles pictures. There is also one of me struggling to open the packaging on my new laptop battery.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My sister in law Emily put up some vinyl for me this week. I decided to post some pictures of my house of everyone who hasn't been over.

Here is a sign I made all by myself that hangs in our
office. I couldn't turn it so just turn you head to the left :)
The vinyl phrase over the clock in my kitchen
Far end of the family room
shelf above the tv

main part of the family room, our beautiful picture
of Christ
new vinyl, you can see it as you walk through the
front door. I will be putting a picture of us under the words
Our bedroom, literally all it has is a bed
The sign in our bedroom

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kyle's Birthday

Kyle's 21st birthday was on September 9th and he was lucky enough to get three birthday parties. The first was Sunday the 6th at the Oveson's. We had ribs, mashed potatoes and cake. Kyle got Spiderman on DVD and Guitar Hero 5.

His second birthday was on his real birthday. I put up a beautiful handmade sign that said IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY. If you haven't seen that episode of The Office it is hilarious. He got Season 5 of The Office from me and and much needed new laptop battery. I made him crepes for dinner and we later enjoyed a strawberry ice cream cake from Coldstone.
Tonight we went over to the Anderson's and had another party for him. We had one of this favorite things, jello. His cake was a delicious pink lemonade ice cream cake (I really want the recipe for it) He got a couple gift cards, one ot Jamba, and overall he had a great birthday, though I'm sure he'd never say it that enthusiastically.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kimalee got mad at me last week for not updating the blog. So... here you go. Happy?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Our new blog

I had some free time on my hands this weekend so I decided to make us a blog. Kimalee and Jordan are great at keeping up with theirs and it always looks awesome. I can make no such guarantees. I can't even figure out what I'm doing. But hopefully in the next few weeks I'll get everything figured out and looking good.