So far September has been great. The weather has cooled a bit so we haven't turned on the air conditioner for almost a week. I have a feeling the weather is going to change quickly. Next week's forecast calls for a high of 82 on Monday and by Thursday it is a high of 61 and a low of 39.
Downtown Madison has a huge farmer's market every Saturday all day surrounding Capitol Square. A few weeks ago we went down and walked around. We also stopped by Ian's Pizza, the first restaurant we went to when we came here in April for Kyle's interview. It is pizza by the slice, but not your regular pizza. We enjoyed a Mac and Cheese slice, Chicken potato, and chicken cordon bleu.

The next weekend we went to Taste of Madison. This is a huge event they do every Labor Day Weekend around Capitol Square. There were maybe 50-60 local restaurants all around with several items you could try each between $1-4. Here are some of the things we tried.

Beef and Cheese empanada
We also had Blue Raspberry Ice (so goood!), a mango orange smoothie, and some cinnamon almonds. There were three stages set up around the square with live music-rock, djs and country.
Yesterday was Kyle's birthday. Since we are rather boring we both worked and in the evening I made Kyle his favorite dinner-crepes. At first I was having a really hard time getting them to cook and they were way too thick. I switched to a smaller pan and was able to get enough good ones to enjoy. We filled them with fresh whipped cream, strawberries, bananas, raspberries and covered in syrup.

Kyle told me he didn't want his presents wrapped but that would be lame so I used what I had around the house to at least put them in something. You would think it was a girl's birthday based on this picture.

Kyle got a few collared shirts, new khaki pants and some ear buds. He needed some dressier clothes than t-shirts and jeans because he has to wear business casual when he is around customers. My parents got Kyle a video game, Deus Ex. Kyle had mentioned he might want it and we were all stumped on what to get him for his birthday so he got it... what a spoiled guy. He seems to like it, he played it for a few hours last night. This morning he got a package from his family, a hoodie and shirt. I also made him his favorite ice cream cake.