Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mid-Year (ish) Update

I have a calendar notification every month to write in my blog. Clearly it is not working.
Partly because I feel like the past few months we have been going non stop. Every weekend it seems there is a wedding, family party, or other miscellaneous adventure. Don't get me wrong I love all of these things but it would be nice to have a weekend with absolutely no plans. The one weekend we had open happened to be the same week our air conditioner was broken. It forced us out of the house and we went to a car show in Layton and a movie but it was still stressful thinking about the repairs (and the cost of repairs).

Yes.. I am still working on my resolution. Here are some updates

  • Played several concerts with the Davis County Symphony.
           I feel like I am getting so much better. After a 6 year break from playing the bassoon I thought it would be crazy difficult to play again. While my embouchure is not as strong as it once was (yet) and I have forgotten a lot of fingerings I am LOVING playing again. I almost think I am better than I was before in terms of confidence. I really appreciate that there is no pressure and the fact is no one is making me do this. I think I practice more than I ever when I was in school. I have met some awesome players who always push me and praise me. I even went to a get together with other bassoon players from around the area and learned how to make my own reeds. Our next concert will be August 23rd at 7:00 pm at the Christian Life Center in Layton (2352 E Hwy. 193, Layton, Utah 84040). It is our summer pops concert and will be really fun!

  • Preparing for Part I of the IRS SEE (Special Enrollment Exam)
          I bought a prep book and got through it once. Now I am updating my notes, taking practice exams   and plan to take part I of the exam in August. It's taking me much longer than I hoped to get ready for but as mentioned above, we have been so busy! I also started working on a website so that next year I can do scheduling for tax returns online.

  • Consistently running 1.5 miles in 25 minutes
          Which I know isn't very good. But I am really working on getting a pattern for my breathing. I have been doing intervals- 2:30 minutes running, 1 minute walking is where I am at right now. Next week I'll go up to maybe 3:30 running, 1 minute walking. I need to get in a routine of going to the gym though. If I went more consistently I think I would have better progress. Either way though I have already signed up for the Color Run on August 23rd.                       
Here is a potential graphic I made for my website. I know it's not great quality but 
feedback would be appreciated.

  • Might not pay off my car this year
          Because we are doing some work on our house. As of this weekend we have officially repainted   everything (trim, doors and all) for every area in our house except our kitchen and bathrooms. Now we are replacing our door hardware from gold to oil brushed bronze. Then we will finally get new carpet, which was what started the repainting process in the first place. Once everything has been done I will post pictures of our completed house projects.

  • Visiting Teaching
yeah... I still have a lot of work to do on this. The most frustrating part is I know I am letting those ladies down. I only know them a little bit but I really do care about them and their families. So far there has not been a month where I have visited both ladies in the same month but I am getting there.

  • Book Club
         A group of women in our ward have been getting together for book club. I think I have missed a couple months due to stuff happening at home but I have been able to read the books. I have enjoyed      getting to know the women in the neighborhood better and in a smaller group. Sometimes it's difficult to get to know people at Relief Society because there are so many people around.

            Here's a picture of a cute table I would like to make as bedside tables in our room. This might be my next project after I refinish a dresser that is going in our bedroom.