I finally started my cake decorating class! My first lesson was yesterday and I learned a lot of great things! At the end we decorated cookies using our new talents, with a star tip. Here are some examples of what I did. Sorry about the poor quality on some of the pictures.

This one, the letter K, is probably the best one I did. A lady sharing the table with me was very impressed when she found out I've never done this before. She said I had done a great job keeping even pressure, which is hard to do.

This is my new necklace holder. I got some coat hooks from Bed Bath and Beyond that had adhesive on the back and stuck them to the wall next to my closet. Now I can see my beautiful necklaces hanging out and easily choose accessories.

On a side note... I started my new job today! I am an accountant at National Guardian Life Insurance. My first day was great. Everyone is super friendly and once I got started learning what I'll be doing I feel very comfortable that I can learn it and be successful.
Everything looks great!